Saturday, May 28, 2016

Gonna Miss These Girls

Gonna miss these girls. So grateful to have had the opportunity to play and coach them. 
Look how incredible they are!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Honoring Peace

Our celebration in honor of the Day of the Conscientious Objector was a beautiful success. Several generations present, we sang war resistor songs, heard stories from Obie about his great grandfather who was a conscientious objector and went to jail for it, honored New Zealand's most famous conscientious objector, Archibald Baxter, and playing Theater of Liberation games to question our own resolve to stand up for what we believe in and collaborated on tactics.  Then we finished it up planting a feijoa tree, which will hopefully feed many generations to come!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A look back in time... Prana 2011

A look back in time...
Performing aerial silks just before the clock struck midnight on New Years, 2010 turning into 2011, in front of main stage at Prana ( was definitely a peak experience!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

the Day of the Conscientious Objector

Sunday, May 15th
We will be hosting an interactive theater and arts playshop in honor of the Day of the Conscientious Objector.  Be ready to be playful in the name of Peace.
 St. Peter's Hall. 2-4pm.  All ages welcome.  5$ entry, no one turned away.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Feijoa Fest 2016

The annual feijoa fest is upon us!! Time to celebrate the harvest, the abundance of Autumn, the generosity of the feijoa!

Friday, May 6th The Feijoa Dance
Come dressed as you favorite feijoa

Saturday, May 7th, gather at St.Peter's Hall in Paekakariki at noon for musical merrymaking.
At 1pm we'll parade down the main street, greeting the trees we find with music and reverence.
Then join us at 2pm in the park for feijoa games.  We'll top it off with feijoa feasting.
A potluck and fire circle storytelling to follow.  Where did the might feijoa come from?  And what is it here to teach us?