Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Story Bridge

We're so excited to announce that we applied for our first grant and received funding from Creative Communities NZ!!  We love having our events be co-creative experiences, open to all ages and abilities and this one will be based on Storytelling.  Jen experienced a Story Bridge workshop earlier this year in Colquitt, Georgia ( and after receiving a big thumbs up from the director/founder Richard Geer to bring it to Aotearoa, and devouring his two books, we're ready for the big debut.
An amazing framework whereby participants share personal, meaningful stories, and then weave those stories to a larger story that is acted out and performed for the larger community... all in one day!  Please come join us!!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Acro Balancing Workshop with KidzTeenTheater

What a fabulous fun day!
We played with Contact Improv, Rock and Water, Acrobalancing, Partner Yoga, Acro Yoga, and Thai massage.
Thank you to Ronnie Short for organizing these awesome kids and inviting me teach them some more body based skills, and to Creative Communities NZ for the grant!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Labour Day Liberators

Hello beautiful playful peoples!!
Thank you so much for coming and playing with us on Labour Day, for bringing your bodies and your spirits, your thoughts and feelings, your creativity and your willingness to make connections.
Here as some pics of our time together.  May the learnings and play keep unfolding...







Thursday, October 19, 2017

Last Aerial Classes of 2017

With holidays and summer schemes ahead, I'll be taking a break from teaching silks for the summer.  November will be the last round of classes until February.  Thank you all for your commitment, for your courage, for your determination, and for your enthusiasm!


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Power to the Workers!

This coming Monday, October 23rd is Labor Day.  A day to celebrate the Workers that grow our food, build our homes, teach our kids and tend our bodies, to celebrate the Work that we all do to cultivate relationships, build community, and fight injustice.  
In honor of all of the Workers of the World, we will be hosting another Theater of Liberation!  Games to get us in our bodies, thinking in new ways, finding commonalities, building bridges.  

PLACE: Golden Bay Community Centre, 88 Commercial St
TIME: Monday, October 23rd, 2-5pm (we will start at 2pm so please come ready to start!)
COST: As usual, its free (liberation has no price), though koha is appreciated.  

We hope to see you there.
Love to you all.
Jen and Andy

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

We got an email today... "Congratulations on your successful workshop submission! Thanks for putting forward your knowledge to share with the wider community."

So excited to play more with you all!


Dearest most beautiful friends and family, come join us on an epic adventure. 
An adventure of love, sharing, sustainability, music, art, colour, technical wizardry, imagination, laughter and joy.
 A family adventure where we will write our own story as we immerse ourselves in the stories of the past, the present and the future. 
A truly inclusive adventure for everyone, young and old. 
Please bring your friends, your family and your children and join together as one to celebrate this New Year’s Eve at this specially designed ॐ camping, music and arts festival. 

Monday, August 7, 2017

Golden Bay WEVE - Sharing Event this Sunday

WEVE (Worldwide Equivalent Value Exchange) is local group dedicated to creating and supporting alternative economies. 
We will be hosting a day long event this coming Sunday in honor of sharing the gifts and resources that are within our community. Starting at 11:30am with a shared potluck meal, the afternoon will continue with three workshops; a massage workshop at1pm, a storytelling event at 2:15, and at 3:30 Jen will be leading a Theater of Liberation workshop. 
There will also be a kids room, a seed swap table, and more information on alternative economies and local currencies. 
The event will take place at the Community Center and all proceeds will be donated to the Community Workers and the incredible services that they provide. 
Hope to see lots of you there!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Clowns in Golden Bay!!

Awesome turnout! 13 clowns showed up today to play with attention and confusion, feeling the miracle of our own beings, saying yes and no, and playing with absurdity. So looking forward to the coming weeks of play and ridiculousness!!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Fools and Revellers in the Ridiculous... it's on!!

The Red Nose Playshop!!
Not what you might imagine, there are no balloon animals or oversized shoes.
This is a journey of self.
What happens when we throw our ego out of the door and learn to play with what's left? 
When we take off the masks that we think hide our true selves, and instead encourage our uniquenesses out to play in the full light of the sun, goofy, awkward or socially inept? 
This is a game where we explore and play with the naivete of a child and the rigor of an adult, where we see what's been laying in full sight all along, and play with it, find joy in it, laugh at it, with it, transforming fragility, imperfections, wounds and contradictions into comic poetry and personal power. 
And give it all as a gift to those around us.
Nervous? No need to be. 
We will play games, talk nonsense, move our bodies, pay attention, and fall in love with ourselves in ways we never knew.
This will be a 4 week journey of play and discovery, starting Monday, July 17th, 5:30-7pm at the Golden Bay Community Center. 40$ for 4 sessions, no one turned away for lack of funds. Please let me know if you want to join in!!
Don't take yourself so seriously.

For those interested in continuing, I'll be facilitating a four week followup course Birthing Your Clown, in which you get to discover your unique clown, including walks, voice, power dynamics, and playing with props and costumes. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Thank you Liberators!

Thank you so much for joining us on a fabulous adventure.  It was inspiring to hear all of your reflections at the end of the day and continuing throughout the week!  Keep playing. Keep loving.  Keep striving towards justice.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Theater of Liberation to Warm your Body and Spirit!

Autumnal Theater of Liberation was such a resounding success with so much positive feedback that we're heading into round two: Theater of Liberation to Warm your Body and Spirit!

If you've never experienced it before, this is Not theater as you may know it.

Based on the work of Augusto Boal with a fair dose of clowning thrown in, we will play games to get your head thinking in new ways and encourage your instinctive, playful, creative spirits out to play.

Everything is Challenge by Choice.

Let's see what happens when our community comes together to Create and Play, Reflect and Act!

Monday, June 5th, 2-5pm at the Golden Bay Community Center, 88 Commercial St. in Takaka.  It's a Public Holiday.  Koha appreciated.  All ages welcome, but please be responsible for your younger ones as we will not have specified childcare.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Aerial Silks in Golden Bay!!

I've found a spot with three gorgeous silks hanging, so Beginner's Aerial Silks in On!!
Starting on Wednesday, May 3rd, classes will be at 1:30, 3:30, and 5.  
Limited to 6 people per class so please message me to reserve your spot. 
We'll work on conditioning, strength, balance, body awareness, and technique.
All body types, fitness levels welcome and encouraged.  Let's get strong!!