Monday, March 26, 2018

Voices of Sacred Earth post festival Glow

Thank you everyone who played, who sang, who danced
reached out, created connections, created relationships
who chose to think and feel and move
who spent their days under the sky, in the rain and mud and grass and sun

Thank you to those who trusted me to guide you through a process of ego abandonment
of ridiculousness
of weirdness and awkward
of trusting and touch
of compassion and softening
of perspective and introspection
of power and freedom

Thank you thank you thank you
for reminding why I do this work, this play

May you carry the gifts with you <3

Friday, March 9, 2018

Nelson Fringe Festival

We are so excited to be offering a workshop at the Nelson Fringe Festival!!

So many fun acts plus a fantastic slew of workshops
from a spontaneous storytelling, creative writing & movement workshop 
to oriental fusion bellydance drills, 
we'll be finishing off the week long extravaganza with 
Theater of Liberation!
Saturday, 5 May
Venue 2 - Ghost Light Theatre.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Voices of Sacred Earth

While Andy holds down the fort teaching performing arts at the high school in Takaka, Jen will be bringing Theater of Liberation and Clowning to the Voices of Sacred Earth festivala beautiful festival held at Kawai Purapura, in North Auckland, from the 23rd-25th of March, just a few weeks away!

The Voices of Sacred Earth Festival is an Eco-Festival, gathering hundreds of people together for a weekend of seminars, transformational workshops and performances focusing on indigenous cultures, Earth wisdom, sacred ceremony, well-being and social change.
Indigenous cultures throughout the world have maintained a reciprocal relationship with the Earth; they have protected the sacred sites and are wisdom keepers for the modern world. This wisdom and knowledge is being shared and remembered within many people. The foundations of a new consciousness is now birthed to a new awareness from these ancestral wisdom to evolve new solutions, to embody a more sustainable and harmonious world for the entire community, our Global Family.
It’s all about re-connection with the self, others and Mother Earth!
Tickets are on sale now.  See you there!