Saturday, April 22, 2017

Aerial Silks in Golden Bay!!

I've found a spot with three gorgeous silks hanging, so Beginner's Aerial Silks in On!!
Starting on Wednesday, May 3rd, classes will be at 1:30, 3:30, and 5.  
Limited to 6 people per class so please message me to reserve your spot. 
We'll work on conditioning, strength, balance, body awareness, and technique.
All body types, fitness levels welcome and encouraged.  Let's get strong!!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Are you feeling Liberated?

Thanks all you movers and game-players, willing in your curiosity and big in your hearts.
Thanks for using your time and energy to come together to be in your bodies, to create connections, to act foolish and wise (sometimes a fine line), to laugh and be thoughtful and feel.
Thank you for sharing your creativity with all of us, for giving us a glimpse of what we can create when we come together, Work together, Play together!