Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Story Bridge

We're so excited to announce that we applied for our first grant and received funding from Creative Communities NZ!!  We love having our events be co-creative experiences, open to all ages and abilities and this one will be based on Storytelling.  Jen experienced a Story Bridge workshop earlier this year in Colquitt, Georgia ( and after receiving a big thumbs up from the director/founder Richard Geer to bring it to Aotearoa, and devouring his two books, we're ready for the big debut.
An amazing framework whereby participants share personal, meaningful stories, and then weave those stories to a larger story that is acted out and performed for the larger community... all in one day!  Please come join us!!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Acro Balancing Workshop with KidzTeenTheater

What a fabulous fun day!
We played with Contact Improv, Rock and Water, Acrobalancing, Partner Yoga, Acro Yoga, and Thai massage.
Thank you to Ronnie Short for organizing these awesome kids and inviting me teach them some more body based skills, and to Creative Communities NZ for the grant!