Thursday, December 5, 2019

Festival Season is Upon Us

We are so excited that the sun is back, the days are long, and the rivers are plentiful.

This summer season will find us sharing our skills and passions at festivals all over Aotearoa.

After an incredible month in Montreal diving deep into the pedagogy and practice of AcroYoga with the mesmerizing and awe-inspiring AcroYoga Montreal crew, Jen will be focusing the next few months on sharing her movement inspiration.  

To start things off, over five fabulous days of camping and playtime over New Years 2020, Jen will be teaching workshops at the Mix festival, one for beginners, and one for finding your creative flow.  Come discover new ways to twist and push and balance and play!

More AcroYoga soon after, at Nelson's infamous Evolve festival, January 24th-26th
And then she'll be heading up the north island to one of her favorite community festivals, Voices of Sacred Earth at Kawaipurapura Retreat Center

And to top it all off, Andy will be leading a Contact Improv Workshop: Exploring Place and Inanimate Partnership, at the Conscious Dance Aotearoa gathering, here in Motueka.

So much movement! So much goodness.
See you all there!!


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Saturday, August 10, 2019

AcroYoga Montreal Teacher Training was everything and more

One month, six days a week, 10 hours a day.

Acroyoga, yoga, creative inquiry, trauma, break dancing, the Work that Reconnects, Anatomy, trauma-informed teaching, oppression theory, core blast, and handstand haven.

It was exhausting and fulfilling in every sense of the word.

And I am now a part of an incredible community of Acroyoga Montreal teachers around the world.

Thank you Eugene Poku and Jessie Goldberg for rocking my world and spreading the love.

thank you thank you thank you

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Story Bridge - "These Stories Are Ours"

They came out singing.

"These stories are not just mine. These stories are ours"

Story Bridge never fails to tug at my heart.
Eight amazing individuals came together to tell stories that changed their life, from leaving a long and love-filled marriage to being flooded out of a home, discovering what true friendship is like, to receiving a phone call that no one ever wants to receive.
They came courageously, they came tenderly, they came playfully, and they brought their stories to life in a way that literally left audience members in tears.

Thank you.

To Creative Communities Tasman for supporting this event.

To the actors, who shared their humanity.

To the audience, without you the stories would just be echoes.

To the people in all of our lives that fill our lives with stories.

Stories remind us what we already know.
That we fall in love with each other through our stories.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Theater of Liberation in Motueka - in Pictures

Such a powerful crew was gathered!  Powerful in how each of you separately, walk in this world and the gifts you carry and share, and powerful in the way we have begun to weave them together.

But how to capture a mood in photos?
I wish the small comments, the insights, the gestures could be met with lighting and photography skills worthy of their import.
In the meantime, I'll snap shots on my camera, just to give you all a glimpse, a reminder, of some of the touching moments we had together.

Thank you for coming together with us.

Enjoy these moments.
Stay in touch.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Theatre of Liberation in Motueka!

Kia ora Whanau
Come along to play and share!

What is Theatre of Liberation (ToL)?
Auguusto Boal, a Brazilian theater practitioner, created Theater of the Oppressed to support people to explore at how power operates in their lives, and how to work towards solidarity.  Based on his work, we practice ToL, using theatre games and exercises to explore how we can more fully engage in our lives, co-creating possible tomorrows.

Come join us!
Day of Self Soverigenty 
(Queen's Birthday)
Monday JUNE 3rd 2019
Community House, Decks Reserve, Motueka


Please bring;
Friends and Allies!!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Story Bridge - a story telling workshop in Motueka

After an amazingly successful workshop and performance last year in Golden Bay, we're bringing Story Bridge to Motueka.

Story Bridge is a simple yet powerful process.  

Story Bridge uses true personal stories and creative expression to engage deep dialogue, enable authentic relationship building, and facilitate individual and community transformation.

Story Bridge provides an amazing framework whereby participants share personal, meaningful stories, and then weave those stories to a larger story that is acted out and performed for the larger community... all in one day!

A simple structure but powerful in it's personal, community-oriented, unpolished realness. No experience necessary, just a willingness to share stories and time with others. Suitable for all ages 7-107.
The performance is free to the public.

A huge thank you to Story Bride director/founder Richard Geer for sharing of his process and discoveries with such vulnerability and generosity and to Creative Communities Tasman for their support of this event as well as all of the other incredible projects in the Tasman region.

Come share the story you have inside of you...

Come hear the stories of those in your community...